As promised in September 2014, here is the receipe of the Maurician Farata
300g of flour
150g of water
20 of oil
7g of salt
Clarified butter (optional
Mix the flour, water and salt.
Add the oil, knead until well blended.
Let the dough rest for a half-hour, with a wet cloth on top.
Divide the dough in roughly 60g portions, and order them (for example, from 1 to 10)
Roll them separately.
Again, in order (1 to 10), fold each dough 6 to 8 times. With a pastry brush, apply clarified butter after each fold.
Roll each of them again, keep the same order.
In order: Sear both sides in a hot pan. If they swell like a balloon, congratulations! If not...well enjoy them, it’s delicious nonetheless.
The whiter the flour, the more the faratas will swell. Whole flour is more nourishing though.
If you use Italian, American or Australian flour, it’ll contain more proteins (thus more gluten) and will be way easier to knead.
The oil is usually sunflower, but we ourselves favor olive oil.
Same thing for clarified butter, we use olive oil instead.
To truly honor farata, think simple. The more you’ll practice, the better they’ll become (good shape, less fat) and you’ll even be able to change or skip some steps,
as long as you let the dough rest.